




学徒制 are 一个以雇主为基础的项目 that help workers learn specialized skills needed in today’s work environment, combining on-the-job learning with related classroom instruction.




在学徒期间, 一个以雇主为基础的项目, 学生获得国家认可的证书, while employers develop a talented team and close the skills gap. While many people start apprenticeships immediately after graduating from high school, they may also work well for Veterans leaving active-duty military service, 那些想转行的人, 或者是那些工作被科技取代的人. 这里是阿尔伯马尔学院(COA), our goal is to help connect and support employers and apprentices.

Today’s apprenticeships cover a wide range of industries and occupations. Large and small companies across North Carolina and around the world use apprenticeship to train their employees and build a skilled workforce. North Carolina companies using the apprenticeship model include CVS, 西门子, 葛兰素史克公司, 中庭健康, 机械专业公司. 还有成百上千的人.

Some of the apprenticeship opportunities offered by employers in North Carolina include those listed below, 虽然还有很多其他的:

  • Healthcare (surgical technician, LPN, pharmacy tech, nursing, etc.)
  • 信息技术和网络安全
  • 公共安全(警察、消防、紧急医疗服务)
  • 物流运输
  • 能源(流水线工人等.)
  • 建筑行业(焊工、电工、水管、建筑)
  • 先进制造
  • 金融保险
  • 热情好客



  • Pre-Apprenticeship is for high school students who have an interest in the specific field and want to work for the employer full or part time. The pre-apprentices may be paid and are often offered full apprenticeships upon graduation from high school.
  • 注册学徒或全职学徒 are for students who have selected their career pathway and want to train in all aspects of the occupation as they work full or part time. 注册ed apprenticeships also provide a wage scale that increases based on experience and skills learned.

The word internship is often mistakenly used in place of apprenticeship. 它们不一样. Internships are typically short-term offerings that allow students to explore occupations. 雇主 offering internships often don’t have structured training in place or positions to offer interns upon completion of their internship. Interns also don’t receive nationally recognized credentials upon completing the internship.


Both employers and apprentices benefit from a formal apprenticeship program. 学徒制 offer students paid work-based learning and associated classroom learning as they earn nationally recognized credentials. 雇主 benefit with a well-trained workforce, improved loyalty, and reduced turnover.


Community colleges work with local employers to customize classroom training to meet employer needs and supplement work-based learning. This collaborative effort enables employers to train employees to fill specific roles. 你当地的社区大学可能:

  • 提供关键支持, 比如课程开发, 并对学徒进行相关指导
  • Help develop curricula that allow apprentices to earn diplomas and certifications upon completion
  • Offer grant funding available to pay for education assistance for specific industries
  • Act as a resource partner for employers in providing the education for apprenticeship
  • 为学徒提供潜在的经济援助



学徒制 are a great alternative pathway to a successful career. 学徒制的好处包括:

  • Hands-on learning and job-related classroom or technical training provided
  • 随着新技能的学习,工资也会增加
  • Earn national credentials, certifications, or college degrees
  • Jump-start your career, supporting yourself and your family while learning
  • Local employers offering apprenticeships give you the opportunity for a career close to home


Not every student wants to immediately head off to a university to earn a four-year degree. 适合喜欢动手学习的学生, 我想马上去工作, 更喜欢和家人呆在一起, 或者希望他们的教育部分或全部支付, 学徒可能是一个正确的选择. 在某些情况下, employers pay for 100 percent of the training costs; in others, the community colleges work with employers to obtain grant funding that covers these costs.

We often have parents or guardians say apprenticeship sounds too good to be true. 这不是. 学徒制对雇主和学生来说是双赢的.


大多数学徒期从一到四年不等, with the apprentice earning a nationally recognized credential (or journeyperson’s certificate) after completing the program. 培训项目是有组织的, with most programs including both hands-on and classroom education. Apprentices are paid for learning hours and work hours based on a scale that includes wage increases at specific achievement points.


If you’re a student or parent interested in learning more about apprenticeship opportunities in COA’s seven-county service area, 请填写下面的表格与我们联系, 或电子邮件 (电子邮件保护)




    ApprenticeshipNC has one goal in mind: To help employers build a skilled workforce through on-the-job learning and related classroom instruction. Your ApprenticeshipNC team of dedicated consultants coordinate with your team and your local community college to develop a custom registered apprenticeship program that meets your specific needs. 其中的一些好处包括:

    • 减少人员流失,提高忠诚度
    • 提高生产力和员工敬业度
    • 学徒制适用于各种规模的企业
    • 当地社区大学支持的培训
    • 降低了搜索和招聘成本
    • 提高劳动力多样性
    • 提供助学金以支付教育和其他费用

    ApprenticeshipNC helps workers learn specialized skills needed in today’s work environment. 雇主驱动的模式, we help combine on-the-job learning with related classroom instruction.

    If you are ready to learn more about apprenticeships, contact Lisa Bailey at (电子邮件保护) or 252-335-0821 ext. 2404 and she will help to coordinate a meeting with your ApprenticeshipNC consultant.


    • 贝利,丽莎

    • 文理部行政助理

    • 伊莉莎白市:252分

    • 252-335-0821 ext. 2230